

Dr. 诺曼·C. 弗朗西斯,1968年至2015年任职

在他47年的总统任期内. 诺曼·C. Francis and Xavier University of 路易斯安那州 were virtually synonymous. 

As the leader of the nation's only historically Black and Catholic university, Francis guided Xavier's growth both in size and dimension. 在他担任总统期间, 这所大学的入学人数增加了一倍多, 拓宽课程设置, 扩大校园, 并加强了其财务基础. Its tradition of academic excellence was further enhanced.

弗朗西斯是e世博esball大学1952年的校友,后来获得了J.D. from Loyola University and soon after was offered the post of Xavier University dean of men by the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament.  He then rose to higher administrative positions at the university; advancing to director of student personnel services in 1963, 1964年担任校长助理,负责学生事务, assistant to the president in charge of development in 1965, 1967年担任执行副总裁, 1968年当选总统. He was credited with being the catalyst for nearly every building constructed on the campus during a period of four decades. The campus itself was physically enlarged with the acquisition of the adjacent properties to the East and West of the original main campus.

Among the major accomplishments of Francis' tenure was the successful completion of several capital campaigns. 

通过他的领导, 这所大学设立了核心课程, becoming nationally recognized as a leader in education.

根据美国.S. 教育部, Xavier continues to rank first nationally in the number of African American students earning undergraduate degrees in the biology and the life sciences, 化学, 物理与药学. Xavier was one of only six schools chosen to participate in the National Science Foundation’s Model Institutions for Excellence in Science, 工程与数学专业.

Xavier has been especially successful in educating health professionals. 在医学预科教育中, Xavier is first in the nation in placing African American students into medical schools, 自1993年以来,它在哪里排名第一. 药学院, 路易斯安那州仅有的两所药学院之一, is among the nation's top three producers of African American Doctor of Pharmacy degree recipients.

Named by his peers as one of the 100 most effective college and university leaders, Francis is often cited for his involvement in the community and his work on the national, 国家和地方各级提高教育水平. 

Francis enjoys a prestigious national reputation, of which Xavier is still a primary beneficiary. 他曾担任八个美国政府的顾问.S. presidential administrations – not only on education issues, but civil rights as well – in addition to serving on 54 boards and commissions. 2006年,时任美国总统乔治. Bush presented him with the nation’s highest civil award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In 2009, he was named one of “America’s Best Leaders” by U.S. e世博esball Media Group and the Center for Public Leadership (CPL) at Harvard Kennedy's School of Government.

He has received 40 honorary degrees from other universities, and at least 20 major awards in recognition of his leadership in higher education as well as his unselfish service to 新奥尔良 and to the nation.

在弗朗西斯的公民努力中, he has served as chair of the 路易斯安那州 Recovery Authority, 路易斯安那灾难恢复基金会主席, chairman of the board of Liberty Bank and Trust and a member of the Times-Picayune Advisory Board. In the past he has been chairman of the 新奥尔良 Aviation Board, the Metropolitan Area Committee Education Fund and the board of directors of PBS-affiliate WLAE-TV.

在国家层面上, Francis' activities include serving as past chairman of the boards of the Educational Testing Service, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 大学理事会, the Southern Education Foundation and the American Association of Higher Education. 过去他是联合国儿童基金会的主席, a member of the 校董会 of Catholic University, 兼任SACSCOC主席, the southern regional accrediting agency for more than 11,11个州的1000个机构.

Francis was named Xavier University “President Emeritus” in 2015.

妹妹米. 玛丽丝·斯特拉·罗斯,S.B.S.他在1965年至1968年任职

Sr. Maris Stella得了A. M. 毕业于维拉诺瓦大学.  She was Director of the Division of Education at Xavier from 1959 until 1965, 然后从1968年到1970年. She was the last of the religious to lead Xavier University of 路易斯安那州 in a formal capacity as president.  尽管人们对Sr. Maris, her name tells us a great deal about her faith and her leadership. 玛丽斯斯特拉 is one of the many names Catholics use to refer to the Blessed Virgin Mary. 直译是“海之星”。. The name became associated with the Blessed Mother by seafarers, who ask her to intercede on their behalf to guide them safely into port. 玛丽斯斯特拉 is understood to be our “guiding star” leading us evermore to be and do better.

妹妹米. 约瑟芬娜·肯尼S.B.S.他于1955年至1965年任职

Sr. Josephina于1949年来到e世博esball大学. She taught education and eventually headed the 教育部.  She was the Supervisor of Elementary Schools for the Archdiocese of 新奥尔良 from 1952-1955. 她曾在新奥尔良的科珀斯克里斯蒂和圣. 塞普里安在俄亥俄州哥伦布市,曾是圣. 伊丽莎白在芝加哥,在e世博esball预科学校. 她得了B. A. 来自南方的洛约拉和她的M. A. 天主教大学.   


Mother Agatha was a native of Philadelphia who received her undergraduate degree 天主教大学 and her M. A. 从维拉诺瓦. 她是教育印第安人的先驱.  作为美国的学校主管. B. S. she was responsible for the establishment of 48 elementary schools and 14 high schools.  Under her faithful leadership at Xavier she oversaw the development of the 大学 of Arts & Sciences, the 大学 of Pharmacy, and the graduate school. 

牧师. 爱德华·布鲁纳,S.S.J.1928年至1931年任职